Danni Nohedit Reyna Mendoza

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.318-327

Currently teaching through digital instruments is increasing in universities, the main objective of this systematic review is to know digital tools in educational environments of university formation in the last 5 years. Using a methodology of qualitative approach type systematic review, with the selection of 40 articles of the search engines Google Scholar, Ebsco Hots, Scielo and Science Direct, establishing some exclusion criteria as the publication date from 2019 to 2023. The results determined that the use of digital tools in the university constitutes a mechanism of considerable benefit, ensuring suggestive and immediate learning in students. Concluding that, in higher education, digital tools are present in the academic and research activity of teachers and students and their research has been increasing in recent seasons. The use of digital tools made by university students must be a use that goes beyond the instrumental, so that this can occur, it is important that teachers and the university center confront from an integrative point of view, the causes that restrict the capacity building of students.

Pág 318-327, 18 May