Dr. Danny Alberto Villegas Rivas (Editor)
Agricultural and Marine Sciences Program. Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora. Guanare. Venezuela. danny_villegas1@yahoo.com
Dr. Manuel Emilio Milla Pino
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Jaén, Perú. memilla22@yahoo.com.mx
Dr. Jose A. Guijarro
State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), D.T. in Illes Balears, Spain. jguijarrop@aemet.es
Dr. Leoncio García Barron
Department of Applied Physics of the University of Seville, Spain. leoncio@us.es
Dr. Jorge Luis Albarrán Gil
Graduate School. Universidad César Vallejo del Perú. lalbarran@pucp.pe
Dra. Karin Julissa Ponce Rojas
Graduate School. Universidad César Vallejo del Perú. kponcer@gmail.com
Dr. Erick Delgado Bazan
Faculty of Engineering – National University of Jaén – Cajamarca, Perú erick_delgado@unj.edu.pe
[* The Editorial Board is open to the incorporation of climatologists from all over the world who want to collaborate with this project]