Danny Armas Murrieta, Rosaliz Palmira Garcia Garcia, Juana Maribel Lavado Enríquez, Luis Alberto Saavedra García, Alex Córdova Vásquez, Sánchez Dávila Keller, Contreras Julián Rosa Mabel

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1961-1984

The research proposed a health promotion model for school development in educational institutions in the district of Banda de Shilcayo, 2023. Descriptive-propositive study and non-experimental design, with a sample of 140 collaborators from two schools. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The results revealed that APAFA members and teachers perceive a medium level of dissemination of health promotion activities. However, the teachers of the Cleofé Arévalo del Águila school have a more negative perception than the Virgen Dolorosa institution, indicating the need for collaboration and communication. In addition, teachers at Cleofé Arévalo del Águila have a more negative view of school development conditions. It is recommended that the school make additional efforts to improve the educational environment and the well-being of the students. The proposed health promotion model was validated by experts and stands out for addressing multiple aspects of health and promoting healthy lifestyles with the participation of educational actors. In conclusion, the proposed model contributes to good school development and promotes health in the evaluated institutions.

Pág 1961-1984, 02 Oct