Wilder Oraldo Benites Lozano

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2285-2293

Mathematical competence (CM) understood as the ability of the student to understand, question and use mathematics in different situations and contexts of daily life. The objective was to investigate about the strategies that favor reaching the MC; because students continue to show poor learning outcomes in this competition. The PRISMA method was used to select the articles, from the year 2017 to 2022, in information bases such as: Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus, EBSCOHost, Semantic Scholar, Redalyc Latindex, Redib and Redinet; allowing to answer the question: How to efficiently achieve mathematical competence in school. In this sense, 13 methodical strategies are presented as results, among them: the ABP methodology, Theoretical Model a Priori, gamification strategy; 6 educational programs such as the JUMAT Program, the Program to create and rebuild problems, and the Scratch Maths Project, among others. As well as 6 articles referring to attitudes. All this leads the student to acquire and apply mathematical knowledge in problematic situations that arise daily. In conclusion, applying methodological strategies, as well as educational programs contribute to efficiently achieving MC. Likewise, the more attitude towards mathematics, the higher academic results are achieved.

Pág 2285-2293, 05 Oct