Carlos José Gonzales Walstrohm, Ronny Fernando Vizcarra Silvestre, Soledad Sotelo Gonzales, Nery Betty Valdivia Oroya de Rodríguez

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2674-2679

Risk management is defined as process of identifying, analyzing and quantifying probabilities of losses and secondary effects arising from disasters, as well as corresponding preventive, corrective and reductive actions that must be undertaken. Objective of this research was to conduct a review of literature published in the period 2018-2023 on Disaster Risk Management in Peru. Methodology used was systematic review of the scientific literature related to Disaster Risk Management in Peru in the databases Scopus, Web of Sciences, Scielo, Redalyc and Dialnet. Prisma guide was applied for selection of studies and Strobe to evaluate the editorial and methodological quality. At initial search, 450 scientific articles were identified, of which 160 were screened included the variable Disaster Risk Management in the title or abstract. Based on the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 scientific publications were meta-analyzed. The majority of studies (75%) were published between years 2020-2022, published mainly in Chile (66.67%) and Venezuela (16.67%). All studies were carried out in public institutions.

Pág 2674-2679, 05 Nov