Rosa María Guerrero Valladolid, Luis Montenegro Camacho

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2750-2759

Currently we live a technological transformation that has caused dizzying changes in education, it is there that the support of technological tools are a key factor in teacher training and has become a challenge for their personal and professional development; This article is based on a theoretical framework based on updated contributions whose objective was to analyze bibliographic sources on the support of technological tools in teacher training in secondary educational institutions. For this purpose, the Bibliographic Review Methodology was used, with the support of the bibliographic manager Zotero, this search basically focused on articles published from 2018 onwards making use of the databases Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet, google academic, the Trilce platform, of the Universidad César Vallejo. The keywords used were: ICT, digital tools, education, teaching professionalism, teaching, learning, pandemic, inclusive learning, among others. Likewise, other research related to the topic was also analyzed.

Pág 2750-2759, 15 Nov