Obdulia Prada Tello

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.4228-4245

The objective of this research was to determine the impact of digital intelligence and soft skills as significant predictors of managerial leadership in process management in the educational institutions of Abancay, 2023. The methodology used in the research is based on a quantitative approach; the research is basic and reaches the explanatory level that is framed in the knowledge of reality as it is presented. The research design is non-experimental, causal correlational, and cross-sectional. The population is made up of 324 directors of regular basic education; the sample was by convenience or non-probabilistic sampling due to accessibility and availability to collaborate with the research made up of 106 directors, The instruments used were validated by the judgment of five experts; and the reliability of the variables was checked using Cronbach’s Alpha, obtaining highly reliable results (with 0.886 Digital Intelligence, 0.931 in soft skills and 0.904 in process management which means that the items on the scale or test are highly correlated with each other). It was determined according to the results that 50% of directors manage digital intelligence on a regular basis, 56% of directors manage soft skills on a regular basis, and 17% of directors manage their soft skills inadequately, and 43.4 % of directors carry out process management on a regular basis. It was concluded that digital intelligence and soft skills are significant predictors that influence the process management of the educational institutions of Abancay.

Pág 4228-4245, 31 Dec