Corrales Paredes Reinita Lastenia, Sánchez Panduro María Fernanda, Saavedra Meléndez Janina

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.2250-2258

The present study seeks to determine the relationship between academic stress and attitudes towards school violence in 4th grade high school students. The study is of a basic type, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational level. The population and sample were 113 students in the 4th year of secondary school of an educational institution (census sample). The data collection technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. A moderate level of academic stress (77%) was found mostly, followed by mild (21.2%) and deep (1.8%). Regarding attitudes towards violence, there was a low level mostly (98.2%) followed by medium (1.8%). On the other hand, a significant positive and mean relationship was found between the variables (Pearson=0.515; sig=0.000), rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the study hypothesis, confirming the relationship between academic stress and attitudes towards school violence. The study concludes that there is a relationship between the study variables, which implies that the lower the academic stress, the lower the attitudes towards school violence.

Pág 2250-2258, 28 Nov