Bessy Castillo SantaMaría, José Ruiz Nizama, Manuel Manrique Nugent, Carlos Pozo Curo, Ricardo Ruiz Villavicencio, José Palacios Sánchez, Margot Rodríguez Mayhuasca, Mercy Noelia Paliza Champi

The effects of climate change that are being generated worldwide, the governments of the world are concerned and committed, through the development of environmental policies to reduce and / or mitigate harmful natural disasters in the society and economy of the peoples. Therefore, the Peruvian government raises the need to reduce pollution from the main productive activities, through the implementation of standards that allow regulation and regulation. In this context, the research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental policies against climate change in Peru.

Pag. 24-34, 25-Mar, 316 kB