Nino Percy Perea Guerra, José Manuel Delgado Bardales, Julio Arévalo Reategui, Orfelina Valera Vega, Luis Armando Cuzco Trigozo, Teresa de Jesús Campana Añasco, Nelly Dioses Lescano, Alasteña Saldaña Barboza, Luis Aníbal Castañeda Núñez, Carlos Alberto García Palacios, María del Pilar Bustamante de Ordinola, Yosip Ibrahin Mejía Díaz, Juan Pedro Soplapuco-Montalvo, Alex Miguel Hernández Torres.
The objective of the research was to determine a budget execution proposal to improve decision making in a municipality in a tropical forest area of Peru: Provincial Municipality of Loreto – Nauta, 2022. The research was applied with a non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive and propositional design. The population and sample consisted of 56 collaborators. The technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire.
Pag. 148-161, 25-Nov, 219 kB