Cinthia Karen Eslava De La Cruz, Victor Guillermo Chauca Rivera, Jackeline Gricelda Eslava De La Cruz

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.891-899

The objective of the investigation was: to propose the legal regulation of the family conflict for its differentiated application to intrafamily violence, since there is a legal vacuum that when the two terms are considered equitably, many times the victims do not achieve true justice in their cases; So after analyzing the information that has been collected on the subject, it has been possible to reach the conclusion that a modification of article 124-B of the Penal Code must be carried out in order to make the differentiation between family conflict and domestic violence, which will allow the law to be applied in a more equitable and efficient manner in the future.

Pág 891-899, 29 Jun