Victor Guillermo Chauca Rivera

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.900-907

The systematic research work that is presented had as its objective the analytical review of scientific articles related to respect for the human rights of vulnerable populations in the face of regulatory and constitutional lack of protection. In his study, articles and research papers by international and national authors on the importance of unrestricted respect for the human rights of vulnerable populations were reviewed. Likewise, Peruvian national and constitutional jurisprudence was reviewed, as well as foreign jurisprudence such as those issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the latter focused on respecting the human rights of vulnerable populations. The present investigation aims to make contributions of a legal and political nature, which tend to protect vulnerable populations that have been violated in their fundamental rights, using the Inductive method, with a qualitative perspective, basic type and a non-experimental cross-sectional review design. systematic national and international literature. Regarding the results, publications of selected documents of scientific articles indexed to Wos, Scopus, Scielo and Latindex were analyzed. It concludes by proposing a change in the legislation so that they have a humanist face, with norms that protect and help vulnerable populations to obtain their fundamental rights. be respected.

Pág 900-907, 29 Jun