Benyta Ivonne Rodríguez Cruzado, Jeny Judith Rojas Camacho, Jorge Luís Torres Saravia

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1720-1727

There is no country that is not concerned about improving the results of its public management, in fact, research to improve processes, organizational structure, innovation and other aspects related to improving efficiency in public management invade repositories and libraries, even specialized academic studies have been generated to prepare human resources in the management of the public apparatus. However, all this effort cannot have auspicious results, if the legal norms, far from working in favor, do so against; given that both the Political Constitution of the State and the specific laws allow any citizen without any preparation to assume the management of the highest magistracy of the country. For this reason, this article makes a theoretical analysis in the regulations and in the theory of management, to determine if it is correct, justified and managerial that this situation remains as such, making a comparison of the complexity of operations, magnitude of objectives and interested parties, between the public and private administration and the demand of requirements to their managers.

Pág 1720-1727, 10 Sep