María Elena Barrera Urteaga

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2760-2769

The organizational climate in the institutions is a very important issue that appeared in the 60`s, gaining relevance in these times since they have to do with the performance of their collaborators, the same ones that will be reflected in the productivity and quality of services that they provide. offer, being necessary to continue carrying out investigative studies that contribute to our institutions having a favorable organizational climate. It had as its objective To highlight the importance of the organizational climate in institutions, in relation to the performance of the work they do. A systematic review of bibliographies was carried out, allowing a critical analysis of this article, the keyword was: “organizational climate”, search for articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese, carried out mostly in specialized search engines such as Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo among others., From January 2017 to May 2022, books and monographs were also found, after reviewing them they helped the investigation as well as the work of specialists on the subject of organizational climate where they detail their criteria through an analysis of practical cases, based on consulted bibliography.By systematizing the ideas in relation to the organizational climate, it has allowed to determine the organizational climate, dimensions, characteristics, on the other hand certain researchers dedicated to carrying out studies of the organizational climate worldwide have constituted on definition, importance, objective, also theories as well as instruments to measure them, but it is still necessary to continue carrying out studies that will allow improving the quality of service provided in organizations.

Pág 2760-2769, 15 Nov