Jannie Merino Alegría, José Jorge Rodríguez Figueroa, Carlos Alberto Flores Minchón, Melvin Grimaldo Rodríguez Minchola, Ricardo Raúl Pacheco Vargas

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.1809-1815

In the debate of explaining how meritocracy professionalizes public administration personnel to achieve transparency and quality in attention to citizens, that is, it guarantees equity of openness to state services to improve the quality of these assistances offered to citizens. citizens and thus promote the personal and professional growth of employees of the government administration. We focus on its importance and understand why meritocracy should have a marked impact on the development of state positions. Taking into account that the most effective public administrations in the world use meritocracy, and emphasize balance in professional merits, encouraging them to continually improve; even more so when we refer to the selection and ratification of judges and prosecutors in the country, in this instance where their qualifications, experience, training and merits must be taken into account, rather than factors outside their resume, such as contacts or influence. For their part, citizens believe that the criteria of trust, ability, friendship, and camaraderie are the main factors considered when appointing and ratifying judges and merit does not count as a decisive factor. In this way, judicial administrators and prosecutors rarely refer to those who occupy the most important positions within the justice system with the adverb “professional.” In this framework, meritocracy must be considered as the guarantee of the continuity of public management seeking to strengthen the system of administration of justice, where suitable judges and prosecutors will exercise jurisdictional and fiscal functions, under the requirement of merit “Professionalization” . Being used in this context of government policies to improve public administration in the justice sector and therefore reduce corruption.

Pág 1809-1815, 08 Abr