Anie Sumac Navarro, Brenda Ysabel Calderón Quispe

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.1908-1915

Violence is a problem of public interest, as it is considered the main origin of various social problems that our country faces. The objective of this review article was to describe and analyze the implementation of public policies on prevention and care for victims of violence, through the interventions developed by different institutions with respect to the components of care, prevention and protection of victims of violence. A bibliographic and systematic exploration was carried out, selecting articles from indexed journals using the following Boolean operators (violence OR “public policies”). 22 articles were selected, 12 from Scopus, 06 from Scielo, 04 from Redalcy and 02 from Dialnet, from research carried out in Peru between the years 2021 to 2023, of which isolated interventions were identified by sectors or public institutions, but not analysis of public policies on violence implemented in Peru, concluding that local public policies implemented on violence are aligned with national policies, that is, they are based on the implementation of the Law to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and members of the family group, which are planned based on outdated, non-representative national surveys, which do not see violence as a complex process; The adaptation of a comprehensive multi-factor model is unavoidable, where the participation and contribution of all social actors and the rethinking of family dynamics are guaranteed.

Pág 1908-1915, 02 May