Luis Enrique Ponce Contreras, Violeta María De Piérola García, Gerardo Francisco Ludeña Gonzalez, Nilton Isaias Cueva Quezada

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.1951-1957

The aim of this article was to describe the causes that hinder the effective implementation of protection measures in the framework of Law 30364, resulting in increased violence or fatal consequences for the victim. The research was carried out using a qualitative design with descriptive scope, deductive method and documentary analysis. The sample consisted of data from Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet and ProQuest indexed journals. The technique used was the collection and analysis of statistical data related to the variable “Ineffectiveness of protection measures” in the framework of law 30364. The results of the research revealed that the lack of human resources, training, empathy and insufficient vehicles on the part of the Peruvian National Police, the institution in charge of executing these measures, are fundamental reasons for ineffectiveness. These findings are supported by statistics from the Villa Hermosa police station, which indicate that, during the period from 2019 to May 2022, only 72% of the measures executed and communicated to the court in 2021 and 37% in 2022, evidencing significant non-compliance. In addition, between January and May 2022, 11 arrests were recorded for non-compliance with these measures.

Pág 1951-1957, 06 May