Janina Saavedra Meléndez, José Manuel Delgado Bardales.

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1-13

The research is entitled administrative management proposal to improve job satisfaction in workers, Mariscal Cáceres Local Educational Management Unit, 2022, had as a general objective to establish the administrative management proposal to improve job satisfaction in workers, Local Educational Management Unit, Mariscal Cáceres, 2022. To do this, a proactive descriptive design was used, with the population and sample of 60 workers from the UGEL Mariscal Cáceres, this study is based on the theory of Taylor, Elton Mayer and Fayol, so the technique used was the survey and two instruments were used, the administrative management questionnaire and the Font Rojas job satisfaction questionnaire.

Pag. 1-13, 01-Apr, 226 kB