Eutemio Celestino De la Cruz Bonifacio, Jessica Paola Palacios Garay

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2619-2626

Learning fractions in basic education and even in the first grades of secondary school presents difficulties because it is a complex concept that has various meanings. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of the Arithmoplane on the learning of fractions in students of the VI cycle of public education. The research approach was quantitative, with a quasi-experimental design, applied type and explanatory level; and the sample was 116 students divided into control and experimental groups. In the pretest, both groups obtained coincident results and after the implementation of the teaching material they presented significant differences in the posttest, the experimental group obtained 34.48% of students at the achieved level compared to 12.07% of the control group and the average range of the control group was 47.19 and the experimental one was 69.81. It is concluded that the influence of the teaching material on the learning of fractions in students of the VI cycle is significant, it allowed them to improve the understanding of the different meanings of fractions and solve problems that involve operations with fractions.

Pág 2619-2626, 30 Oct