Liliana Francesca Escajadillo Pilco, Alicia Verónica Escajadillo Pilco

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.3074-3079

This paper analyzes the publications and articles of various magazines indexed nationally and internationally, related to food programs, including Peru’s called Qali Warma, which is responsible for supplying schools with nutritional products to combat anemia and malnutrition. of schoolchildren, since adequate nutrition is one of the key factors for an optimal development of student learning. The research seeks to carry out a systematic review of the main articles, not less than 5 years old. That address the effectiveness of the food program in the nutrition of schoolchildren under 5 years of age. The study has a very relevant methodological utility, because the main beneficiaries with the execution of the budget granted to this program are the benefited users, that is, the infants, of which only in Peru they comprise 540,869 students of initial and primary education of state schools who Thanks to this program, they are likely to reduce the high rates of malnutrition (MIDIS, 2020). This study compiles articles that are mostly descriptive since many of the publications on the subject are still of the emerging type whose main focus is infant nutrition.

Pág 3074-3079, 06 Dec