Walter Saúl Benites Valverde, Carola Claudia Calvo Gastañaduy, Flor Fanny Santa Cruz Terán

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.3124-3130

This review article was carried out to analyze the level of research skills that students have in higher education. These research skills are fundamental skills that are fostered in students so that they can carry out research effectively and meaningfully. The objective of this article was to bibliographically review the theories of research competencies that higher education students have. This article has a qualitative approach, the type of research is exploratory bibliographic since databases such as Scopus, Scielo, WoS were reviewed. , Ebsco, Redalyc, Dialnet, among others, the method used was bibliographic review, the technique used was documentary analysis and the instruments used were analysis sheets, the importance of this article is to understand research as a process integrated into curriculum and transversal axis in the formation of investigative competencies, as well as the spaces for their construction in the educational institution, after the analysis of results it is concluded that the development of investigative competencies in students is a fundamental commitment of higher education, it is It must guarantee that basic education teachers have the necessary skills when facing the demands of educating students, in a society like the current one, mediated by uncertainty and where information, knowledge, technology and communication prevail.

Pág 3124-3130, 11 Dec