Gaby Verastegui, Doris Esenarro

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.4275-4295

The objective of this research is to determine the incidence of implementing the proposal for the ordering of mototaxi as tourist transport in the vehicular flow – Huánuco. The inadequate management of mototaxi transportation by local governments and the growing number of mototaxis generate chaos in the vehicular flow, especially during peak hours, which leads to loss of time, environmental pollution, and insecurity for the user. The proposed ordering of mototaxis as tourist transport in the vehicular flow could benefit developing countries by providing a profitable alternative by controlling, ordering and formalizing mototaxi transportation, and also generates the reduction of: chaos in the vehicular flow, waste of time , reduction of environmental pol-lution, reduction of user insecurity, and creates formal job opportunities. As a methodology, the elements of the road network and demand were configured, the historical data of visitors to the Kotosh tourist site was analyzed and a data matrix of vehicle capacity was developed, which was supported by digital tools such as (AutoCAD, Google Earth, Arc Gis, Excel, Visum). This study makes a discussion contributing to the debate on transportation flow, time losses, environmental pollution, routes and job opportunities. The findings serve as an empirical basis to guide future strategies and interventions for local governments, formulators, planners and providers for mototaxi transportation management. The conclusion of the modeling is positive by obtaining the reduction of the degrees of saturation of the transport flow, which vary from 0.00 to 0.09, which improves the vehicular flow.

Pág 4275-4295, 31 Dec