Alexa Del Rosario Martínez Capristán

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.309-317

The main objective of the present research was to analyze the conceptualizations most used in the academic context about self-control skills in students in the last 5 years. A methodology with a qualitative approach and systematic review design was used, through the academic search engines Scielo, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar and ProQuest, in which 40 articles were selected for the period 2019-2023. The results showed that the largest number of investigations was found in Spain, however many studies were found in different latin american countries also. It was concluded that self-control should be considered as an elementary skill and ability for proper professional functioning, therefore, the educational system should emphasize on readjusting the teaching profile and articulate socio-emotional strategies to reduce impulsive actions, frustration, emotional imbalance and loss of patience of the teacher, which in turn, enable permanence, continuity and fulfillment of the teaching-learning process in the student. So it is advisable to strengthen the innate emotional skills of students, because self-control, neutralizes certain factors that limit educational processes, In view of the above, it is necessary to implement self-motivation and adapt the behaviors that could trigger that loss of peace of mind.

Pág 309-317, 18 May