Marco Antonio Perlacio Arias

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.535-540

In 2009 and 2010, the first disciplinary administrative investigations were carried out, on this type of infractions, which were of no importance until 2012, when the first legal action was produced questioning the sanctions being rigorous and becoming available and withdrawn, which was issued in light of the aforementioned infractions, which puts into controversy whether the regulation of fundamental rights is legal, which occurred in the sphere of each of the institutions of the armed forces, with primacy in the Peruvian Army, the greater cash of its personnel, in relation to the Navy and Air Force. The investigation is justified in view of the fact that the principle of universality of fundamental rights is apparently violated insofar as these are not valid within the members of the armed forces, generating an impairment of their rights and illegitimacy in the institution that sanctions them.

Pág 535-540, 07 Jun