Sandra Sofía Izquierdo Marín, Zelmira Beatriz Lozano Sánchez, Vhanya Olenka Malpica Risco

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.832-840

In this basic study, comparative descriptive design, the perception of the meaning of life was analyzed, according to sex, age and study cycle of psychology students in social isolation from a private university in Trujillo. The population was made up of 440 students from the I to the X study cycle, of both genders and between 16 and 25 years of age, in social isolation due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19; The simple random probabilistic sample made up of 205 students. The data was collected with the Crumbaugh and Maholick Life Purpose test, adapted for Colombia by Martínez, et al., in 2012. With evidence of validity and reliability obtained for the study population. The results show a significant difference (p<.05), according to sex, in which the female students have the highest average (107.7), Likewise, they show a significant difference (p<.05), between the three groups of age considered, with students from 17 to 19 being those with the lowest average (92.7), likewise, there is evidence of a significant difference (p<.05) in the averages of the groups according to study cycles; In this difference, the students of the first cycles have the lowest average (84.4) compared to the averages of the students of higher cycles.

Pág 832-840, 22 Jun