Kárin Violeta Pacheco Aldeán

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1334-1349

The present investigation entitled “Construction of the School Coexistence and Positive Discipline Scale”, had as general objective to determine the psychometric properties of the construction of the School Coexistence and Positive Discipline scales in adolescents. The sample consisted of 524 students of Regular Basic Education from 3 to 5 grades of the secondary level to whom the School Coexistence Scale (ECE) made up of 40 items and the Positive Discipline Scale (EDP) made up of 47 items were applied. both scales made up of 5 dimensions. For the study of content validity, expert judgment was used by 9 judges, where the Aiken V statistical test was used, through which the criteria of clarity, coherence and relevance were evaluated, achieving valid scores greater than .75 in both scales, showing validity for the application. For the construct validity, an exploratory factorial analysis was carried out whose sample adequacy indices KMO .93 for School Coexistence and KMO .95 for Positive Discipline. The confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out, considering the factorial structure of 5 factors for both scales, with the adjustment indexes for said factorial structure being acceptable: CFI .91 and TLI .90 for ECE and for EDP the acceptable factorial structure of CFI .91 and TLI .91 in the first model, however, items 6 and 7, presented standardized factorial weights lower than .30, thus proceeding to the elimination, obtaining slightly more favorable values in the second model CFI 92 and TLI .91. Finally, in terms of reliability, it was obtained using the McDonald Omega coefficient, with values greater than .71 to .88 in the factors of School Coexistence and with values greater than .87 to .91 of the factorial structure of the 5 Positive Discipline factors.

Pág 1334-1349, 31 Jul