Tiffany Brisette Ruiz Pérez

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1350-1372

The main objective of this research report was to design a strategic management proposal to contribute to the fulfillment of health goals in the Provincial Municipality of El Dorado 2019-2022. The methodological structure is characterized by a basic, non-experimental, descriptive, propositional type of research, the sample consisted of 97 collaborators and 50 users whose perceptions were recorded through the survey technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The main results revealed that the level of compliance with goals in the health area is moderate, with 76% from the staff’s perspective and 60% from the users’ perspective. Similarly, the effectiveness of strategic management obtained percentages of 73% and 58% respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that the implementation of a strategic management model will have a significant impact on the achievement of health goals in the Provincial Municipality of El Dorado. In addition, this model will strengthen the processes of needs diagnosis, control and evaluation of strategies, which will lead to an adequate development of strategic planning for the benefit of the community. All this will result in a sustainable, desired and favorable development for the general welfare.

Pág 1350-1372, 31 Jul