Delicia de Jesus Vargas Gutierrez, Gladis Milagros Vargas Gutierrez, Anélida Tello Díaz, Miosoty Lozano Achuy, Janet Janina Gomez Chagua, José Enrique Armas Barrantes

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.1869-1877

The partial or total abandonment in the university educational process is a complex issue, related to problems of personal failure, the lack of adaptation by the student to university activities, accompanied by traits of stress and low self-esteem, causes dissatisfaction about their activity. formative. Educational processes are affected by globalization, widening the gap between the educational characteristics of public versus private institutions, forcing students to make decisions that often lead to a subsequent abandonment of university education. The way in which social, cultural, and economic changes affect the academic process are related to educational policies, motivating the renewal of study plans to contain the increase in the incidence of educational abandonment. This review article aims to analyze the factors that influence university dropout, which exposes the testimonies of different authors, analyzing in a technical and reflexive way the dimensions that cause university dropout, concluding that the dropout of university students may be due to a variety of factors, voluntary or involuntary, whatever the cause, absenteeism has a high impact not only on the students who drop out, but on their families, institutions and society as a whole.

Pág 1869-1877, 21 Sep