Lindsay Montilla Pérez, Vílchez Ordoñez Mercedes, Janina Del Pilar Ruíz Colón, Alan Guillermo Gallo Álvarez, Carol Nadiezhda Ruiz Camus, Karla Luz Mendoza López, Eliseo Paredes Diaz, Keller Sánchez Dávila, Karina Ordoñez Ruiz

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2173-2191

The objective of this research was to propose a proposal for municipal management processes that contribute to the management of solid waste, District of Moyobamba -2023. The present study is of a basic type, with a quantitative approach, descriptive-propositive scope with a non-experimental design. The population is made up of the citizens who inhabit the district of Moyobamba, whose sample is made up of 195 inhabitants. The instruments that were applied for the collection of information were the data collection sheets, interview guides and the questionnaire, where the results showed municipal management processes are at a regular level with 49% qualified by the population, while Araujo (2022) mentions that in order to develop an efficient process map that allows control processes to be carried out efficiently, relevant information must be collected, since the results are favorable between human interactions and the systems that participate in them, regarding To the second study variable we can mention that it is necessary to strengthen the solid waste management process from the segregation part where the residents with the main actors of the selection process, who according to the indicated study reflect a regular level of solid waste management with a percentage value of 60%, being only 11% of the population who carry out or participate correctly in the process, due to the lack of action of the decision makers of the local government, having to reinforce the constant and participatory awareness activities . It can be concluded that regarding the variable municipal management processes, the four dimensions studied show a level of regular action perceived by the population towards municipal management, which is complemented by the lack of operational actions that citizens do not perceive as notable. , achieves incentives in which these budgets serve to improve environmental management plans, including solid waste management, to generate a sustainable city that supports conserving the environmental quality of the territorial population.

Pág 2173-2191, 03 Oct