Luis Alberto Saavedra García, Córdova Vásquez Alex, García García Palmira Rosaliz, Juana Maribel Lavado Enríquez, Danny Armas Murrieta, Keller Sánchez Dávila, Rosa Mabel Contreras Julián

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2008-2028

The objective of the research was to determine the proposal of strategic processes to improve the management of the Glass of Milk Programme (PVL) of the Provincial Municipality of San Martín – 2022. The study had a descriptive-propositive scope and a non-experimental design. A total of 103 people from the Glass of Milk Programme (PVL) were evaluated, including managers and board members. A data collection sheet, guide and questionnaire were used to collect information. The results revealed a fair level in the strategic processes of the Glass of Milk programme in 2022, with discrepancies between the municipality and the Glass of Milk committee. Seventy-nine per cent of the processes were executed, but the committee considered only 59 per cent efficient. Both sources agree on the need to improve the budget, staff training, community participation, and selection and monitoring processes. Programme management was evaluated as regular (77% in the collection form) and efficient (75% according to the committee), but deficiencies were identified in planning, logistics and execution of food distribution. The validation of the proposed model of strategic processes by experts supports its theoretical basis and alignment with available resources; concluding that it improves programme management, strengthening its effectiveness and transparency.

Pág 2008-2028, 02 Oct