Manuel Denffel Rodas Quiroz

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.3012-3019

In the world changes are occurring with greater speed with the arrival of the digital era, however the pandemic evidences the lack or need to strengthen the digital skills of teachers at different educational levels, in order to reduce gaps in what addresses the objective of sustainable development of quality education, For this reason is that the objective was raised to analyze how the continuous training of teachers is being developed in different contexts of the world, we worked under a literary research in databases of high impact Scopus, Wef Of science,Scielo, Ebsco, Etc. having as unit of analysis 20 scientific articles comprised from 2019 to 2022, delimited by the variable under study, concluding that factors such as the digital divide and the lack of strengthening of digital competencies of teachers for the use of virtual tools to reach students have deeply impaired the education of our youth and children in times of pandemic by Covid and this weakness continues to this day because the role as a permanent guide is crucial for the achievement of skills of children and youth, which makes it necessary at the level of governments to plan educational strategies to establish policies for continuous teacher training.

Pág 3012-3019, 05 Dec