Oscar Ayuque Curipaco

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.18-31

The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 tests the capabilities of governments around the world, in a scenario of political conflicts that increases every day, where the needs and aspirations for social justice and equity grow exponentially, all which affects the structuring of a new post-coronavirus normality with uncertain features. In this sense, through a documentary methodology the analysis of official data from municipal management, the objective of the article is to describe the meaning of governance and public spending policies in the framework of the health crisis, from the perspective of open government. with emphasis on the management of the Provincial Municipality of Huancayo – 2020. Data from Scopus,Redalyc, ScienceDirect and Proquest were used as primary information bases, from which 90 articles were extracted, within which 32 articles were selected under the criteria of no greater age. of 5 years, the main findings of the research emphasize that the open data policy is a necessary condition to qualitatively increase the levels of governance and transparency of public management in the management of the health crisis, which allows us to conclude that the Open government makes public information available to citizens that positions them as watchdogs of government activities but, at the same time, the data, being timely and exhaustive, promote the creation of initiatives for collective benefit.

Pág 18-31, 03 En