Virgilio Flores Vidal, Flor de María Sánchez Aguirre

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.90-99

Psychomotor skills are the psychology of movement through which the body, mind and emotions come into contact. In past times it was conceived as a set of exercises to correct some difficulty or disability detected in the individual. In these times that vision has changed and has become one of the important points in education and the integral development of the human being; especially in the first years of life. When a child performs an action, it is directly related to thought and emotions. When talking about psychomotor skills, reference is made to the techniques that the teacher or psychomotor specialist must apply so that children have better control over their own body, while stimulating other areas of development such as motor and cognitive physics. The importance of psychomotor skills in comprehensive development is the central topic on which this article focuses. A documentary review has been attempted in relation to the topic of study; through articles, conjectures and selected opinions, related to the topic, where the scientific bases, theoretical foundations and statements expressed during the review of the literature found are manifested. The published contents were analyzed to apply the proposal as the outcome of the research and conclusions.

Pág 90-99, 05 En