Heidy Ivonne Rojas Chujutalli

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.397-409

The objective of the study was to determine the impact of public policies against DID on the right to health of the residents of the San Martin region in the period 2010-2023, in a research with a qualitative approach and phenomenological design, developed in sources primaries of Peruvian state institutions; Among the results, it stands out that police interventions are being carried out in various areas of origin of psychoactive substances with greater prevalence in the Cainarachi valley, Bajo Huallaga and the southern area of the department, against the production, transportation and commercialization of cannabis sativa and basic cocaine paste; In addition, the intervention of the Public Ministry with presence in the verification of the information received and the verification of the destruction of narcotic production centers; The investigation concludes that public policies, manifested in the work of the police and the prosecutor’s office, have been regularly fulfilling their functions to protect the right to health of the residents.

Pág 397-409, 18 En