Carmen Rosa Rodríguez Caro

Dieler Saul Gonzales Mercado

Juan Ricardo Zúñiga Cárdenas

Ana Isabel Correa Colonio

Carlos Alberto García Palacios

Jennifer Milagros Cárdenas Vivanco

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.1173-1181

This systematic review compiles and analyzes available data on how the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) impacts the civic engagement of older adults, identifying relevant theoretical models to understand these dynamics. Following the PRISMA methodology, articles from academic databases such as Scopus, EBSCO, and Web of Science, focusing on older adults and published between 2004 and 2024 in English and Spanish, were considered. The findings of this review highlight that, while ICTs offer significant benefits, such as increased active participation in society and potential improvement of psychological well-being, they also present notable challenges, such as the digital divide and negative perceptions towards technology. Based on these findings, the article concludes by emphasizing the need for personalized integration strategies for older adults. In addition, practical recommendations are offered to improve their inclusion in the digital society, addressing both the positive aspects and challenges associated with the adoption of ICTs. We explore the devastating impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the various activities of Older Adults, which improves Citizen Participation and social and community interrelation.

Pág 1173-1181, 20 Feb