Volume 23 Special Edition Social Sciences  (2023)

Formative evaluation: beyond simple grading

Gualberto Palomino Gutiérrez DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.3669-3674 The way of understanding evaluation has evolved significantly. From an instrumentalist form, whose objective was to measure the level of knowledge acquired by the student and expressed in a grade...

Bibliometric review of musical identity

Alex Martin Saucedo Uriarte DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.3561-3570 Musical identity is a topic of growing interest in recent years, since music plays a fundamental role in the formation of the individual and collective identity of human beings. This article aims to...



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Revista de Climatología (ISSN 1578-8768), born in 2001 as an independent and free scientific journal, aimed at disseminating work on Climatology as an interdisciplinary science.