Every Yuliana Meza Cosi, Shamira Condori Contreras, Victoria Yolanda Lizárraga Concha, Wilberth Zans Gil

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2023/v23cs.2639-2647

Social networks offer a wide range of factors that allow the inclusion of young people through the improvement of educational processes. For many years there has been a polarization on the use of digital environments on the capacity that these have to become an instrument capable of forming a formal and effective learning allowing the elimination of barriers of cultural, social and economic segregation. The research had a quantitative approach, so the information was collected through the use of Google Forms during the months of April and May 2022, to later carry out a statistical analysis and be able to achieve systematized data processing. The sample consisted of 355 students from the first to the fifth year of secondary school in different educational institutions in the Cusco Region. The review of the results confirmed that the students consider the use of social networks transcendent, due to the versatility in the exchange of information and communications, due to the immediate and constant interaction.

Pág 2639-2647, 05 Nov