Wilber Medina Valer

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.41-49

Science and technology develop rapidly, consequently the societies of the world adapt to permanent changes, to the needs that arise and to the challenges that globalization itself demands. It is in this circumstance that competent people are required, capable of functioning pertinently; globalization challenges countries and their educational policies to look for a prototype of a student, with characteristics that demonstrate their competitiveness and ability to resolve problematic situations correctly. Knowledge management is considered as a set of activities and processes that favor the exchange of information, as well as the process of acquiring greater knowledge. These activities are proposed with the purpose of improving the results of learning. During our lives, the accumulation of experiences and learning allows us to build a knowledge base that, shared with the potential to facilitate the execution of work, will accelerate innovation. From this research we intend to substantiate the impact that knowledge management generates on meaningful learning in students, since it is important to promote the management of autonomous learning in boys and girls, although to do so we must generate basic conditions of inquiry, innovation, creativity, analysis and interpretation, among other capabilities that allow the student to develop their potential and generate scaffolding throughout their life. Knowledge management allows organizing activities, processes and learning experiences based on the interaction between teachers and students, students and students or between teachers.

Pág 41-49, 05 En