Enrique Horna Torres, Eleuterio Horna Torres, Manuela Esperanza Peralta Tapia, Flor Delicia Heredia Llatas

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.233-242

Land use planning has become a challenge for society, with the need to address this issue of land use planning and prospective planning in local governments, considering that prospective planning is constituted as the real context within the institutions and in the future, developing day-to-day actions, this through the experiences obtained, having the purpose of providing a set of methodological tools, where they allow the development of planning processes, solving problems in relation to land use planning, allowing the systematization, analysis and ordering of information on the land management problem ( Glave 2017). This research identified 50 selected articles, this after applying selection search criteria on the subject with the Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet, Ebsco databases on land use planning and prospective planning in local governments. The issue of territorial ordering, in the results are distributed with the theoretical proposal that resembles it as the guiding axis of territorial development, this because in the current context it has manifested various levels of uncertainty and insecurity being necessary a reflection to accept the recommended routes in employment of the territories, tool have a tool for prospective planning, management and occupation of the territorial space.

Pág 233-242, 12 En