Ana Ynés Sánchez Amaya, Carola Claudia Calvo Gastañaduy, Olga Patricia Gamarra Chirinos, Aníbal Teobaldo Vergara Vásquez, Jesús Samuel Becerra Romero

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.780-789

In Peru it is necessary to continue implementing strategies to ensure quality education, as is the case of Trujillo where they are using the DUA to make educational institutions effective. The objective was to analyze the benefits of DUA from different contexts with the inclusion of ICT in teaching practice to improve education. A systematic review of sources published in Scopus, Scielo and Dialnet was carried out, using the keywords: “implications of the use of ICT during pandemic”, “teaching practice in pandemic” and “DUA”, obtaining 484 studies. The inclusion criteria were studies in Spanish, from 2019 to 2023 in the area of Social Sciences, Education and Psychology, applying the PRISMA methodology, 27 studies were selected. It is concluded that there is an increased interest in promoting inclusive education from the incorporation of technological resources that allow the development of digital competencies and promote the construction of knowledge.

Pág 780-789, 30 En