Teresa Elodia Aroca Flores

DOI: 10.59427/rcli/2024/v24cs.1800-1808

The present systematic review aims to provide an updated and comprehensive view of the development of research competencies in teachers in the last 5 years are relevant to develop research skills in students. Also, the research question has been posed: What are the trends and challenges in the development of research skills in teachers in the last 5 years? The research process was based on a type of documentary analysis through a bibliographic review and the application of the principles of the PRISMA method. The results were obtained from the review of articles from the different databases of Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet, ProQuest, Dialnet and Latindex; this review has made it possible to confirm that educational research and the development of research competencies in education teachers are highly relevant and current topics in the educational field. Therefore, it is necessary to frequently deepen this topic through new studies that contribute to optimize educational quality and train more critical, reflective and investigative teachers.

Pág 1800-1808, 08 Abr